Arianna Merritt, M.Ed.

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Record Worthy Practices

Only you can become an expert at valuing yourself! What practices help you become your own personal best?

Valuing yourself is a process and requires practice. Earning it may not give you applause and acknowledgement from outsiders, but having healthy self-worth will provide you with the strong foundation to perform in other arenas.

You are special in your own right. Not for being your job title or for a role you play in your life, you are worthy for being YOU! You without the mask, without the titles, without the applause.

It is easy to say we value ourselves, yet it is hard to maintain this feeling despite the setbacks and obstacles we often encounter in our daily lives. We need reassurance and support to stop the doubt, to push past the fear and insecurities, and to embrace our beautiful selves.

What has really helped me en route to becoming my best self is recording in my personal journal random thoughts about practices that have helped me throughout my journey.

My world revolves around questions. I ask thought-provoking questions that empower myself and others to change their lives for the better. Reaching out and asking questions was a catalyst for me in my personal growth and development.

In my early teens, I kept these questions to myself because I lacked the courage to speak up. I started small by expressing my thoughts in a safe environment (i.e., my journal). Over time, with practice and the willingness to reach out and share my experiences – I gained confidence! These conversations helped me blossom.

Through reflecting on the question “What practices help you become your own personal best?”, I came up with the term, ‘Record Worthy Practices.’

This phrase has a triple meaning.

  1. ‘Record worthy’ means a high level accomplishment/achievement. For example, setting a world or national record.
  2. The noun, ‘record’, means a list.
  3. The verb, ‘to record’, means to write down.

In addition, the term worthy refers to self-worth.  Lastly the word practices refers to the daily rituals one takes because you have to work on it to become an expert. As one of my sister's says: "valuing yourself takes practice."

Through embracing these multiple meanings, the term ‘Record Worthy Practices’ stands for writing down a list of practices that will help you achieve your personal best. Clever, right?!

Therefore, starting today, I’m turning thoughts into action by collecting a list of strategies (i.e., practices) for all of us to implement in our daily lives to help us feel better about ourselves.  The list will be posted on the site here.

Each week I will share a Record Worthy Practice in the form of picture, interview, or anecdote. I invite you to join in and share those practices that have helped you value yourself more and live the life you imagined.

We can help each other achieve our personal best!

On your marks, get set, go!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!