Arianna Merritt

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Author Anne Sophie Reinhardt's Self-Discovery Lesson on the Beauty of Journaling

After watching the following video entitled "What Would Change If You Accepted Your Body?", I had to reach out and ask my friend, Anne-Sophie, to share her record worthy practice with all of usCheck out the practice below after you watch her fun video!

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As you may know, I have been reaching out and asking people I admire what daily practices (i.e., record worthy practices) they perform in their lives to feel better about themselves. I encourage you to sit back, put away your distractions for a few minutes, and reflect. Think about how you can apply the record worthy practice, which is shared below, in your life.

Today, Anne-Sophie Reinhardt suggests:

"I have many practices that I do on a daily basis and they evolve and change with my moods and needs. However, one practice that I have been doing consistently for many years now is journaling.

(c) Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

Every morning, after my visualization meditations (which I do most days), I give myself at least 15 minutes to write. I have a special place in my apartment for my writing ritual and during spring and summer, I sit on the balcony, sipping my morning coffee and just put words onto paper.

I write about everything: my goals, my dreams, my fears, my experiences, my ideas for my business and life, my desires and my needs. These days, I write a lot about my baby and the hopes I have for the life we get to create together.

There are days when my words just flow onto paper and then there are days when I'm stuck. On those days, I just look around for inspiration. Sometimes the sunlight inspires me, sometimes a crack in the wall inspires me. Sometimes, an usual catches my eye and  I write a poem about it. The possibilities are endless and after the first few sentences, I usually can't stop writing.

The beauty of journaling is that it's different every day, but the healing that results from a mere 15 minutes is always powerful and exactly what I need."

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt is a body image writer, self-love coach, speaker and the creator of Body-Love Wellness Circles. Body-Love Wellness Circles by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt is an immersion into the power of body-acceptance. The Circles will be focused around transforming the relationship you have or may not have with your body, food and yourself. To learn more and to join us, click here.

Thanks, Anne-Sophie, for sharing your record worthy practice with all of us. I love the concept of the Body Wellness Circles program as it combines three of my favourite things: body-love, writing, and connecting with others. Thank you for introducing us to this program and for highlighting the importance of loving our beautiful selves.

How has connecting with others influenced your view of yourself in a positive way? Can you relate to Anne-Sophie’s experiences? Why is writing/journaling valuable to your daily life?

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!