Lindo Bacon, PhD's Self-Discovery Lesson on the Power of Authentic Friends
How do you add more movement into your busy schedule?
As mentioned in my last post, many of us crave more physical activity in our lives. One of the strategies I use to incorporate movement into my daily life is to work out with others. I do what you have heard me call a “Coffee, Talk, and a Walk” - some of my happiest and favourite times involve these three elements. Read about my daily practice here. I find that most of my best ideas and conversations happen when I am moving my body. By hanging out with friends while being physically active, it becomes a social activity too.
I am not the only one who finds the benefit in this. As Lindo Bacon and Lucy Aphramor state in their new book, “Body Respect” which is all about self-care: “When we switch our focus to finding ways of being active that make us feel good and that we can fit into our schedules, we’re on the road to living life more fully” (Body Respect, 2014, p. 141).
After reading Body Respect, which is a balance of research and practical strategies about the positive connection between physical and emotional health, I had to reach out and invite Lindo to share their Record Worthy Practice with all of us. Lindo Bacon, PhD, is an internationally-recognized authority on topics related to nutrition, weight, and health. I interviewed them on the blog in 2012 as part of my Profiles of Perseverance series and am grateful for their contribution to that series.
(c) Linda Bacon, PhD
When I emailed Lindo to ask about the most important self-care practice they use to achieve their personal best, they responded:
“I look for deep intimacy with friends, relationships where we can be “authentic” and seen for all our beauty AND our messiness. Spending time with these friends is very healing for me. I’ve got one friend in particular - Marilyn – we meet in downtown San Francisco during the workday – for a walk, lunch, tea, window shopping, even kayaking (that in neighboring Oakland). That timing is important to me – taking time off work, not just on a weekend when my time off is better supported. It helps that Marilyn is pretty special: smart, funny, compassionate, interesting. I feel unguarded around her: like I’m seen, with my flaws and mistakes alongside my strengths, and still loved and appreciated. It’s an amazing feeling to let down my guard and feel the love. And it’s such a gift to enter into someone else’s world.”
Spending time investing in deep authentic friendships helps you achieve your personal best! Thank you, Lindo, for sharing your Record Worthy Practice with all of us! I agree it is such a gift to enter someone else’s world. I’m so grateful for my deep friendships too.
Can you relate to Lindo’s experience? Why is the practice of ‘Coffee, Talk, and a Walk’ so valuable in your life? Do you have a friend who cheers you on throughout your life? Thinking about Lindo and Marilyn’s time together, I’d love to hear about a wonderful experience you’ve had with a friend.
Thank you for reading and for your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! We are all looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the Comments section below.
See you at the beach!