Celebrating 10 years of blogging!
August is a month of celebration for me. Ten years ago, this month, I turned a random thought into action and started a blog.
I would be in a different place if I didn’t have others tell me, “Grow, girl, grow.”
(c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
My blogging journey has been one of resilience, being open to change, and embracing the powering of digital. The journey hasn’t been easy, and I am so grateful to those who have been there along the way. Most of all, it has been a journey of self-discovery and learning my inner strength. As I finish one chapter and enter another, I wanted to do a short recap of the last ten years.
Where I started
I remember the day when I had the idea for my blog well. I was on summer vacation with my family, and I would soon be returning to finish my final year of grad school. One night, while walking the beach with my sisters, I had this random thought that I wanted to create a blog to empower others. My initial name for the site was “Everybody Beautiful.”
Blogging seemed like a cool and powerful way to share the body image research I was working on, as well as the class discussions we were having, beyond the classroom. I told my sisters about my idea and they were really supportive.
So, I thought about this for the rest of the vacation. When I got home, I signed up for an account and started a blog! A few days later, with no followers and experience, I published my first post! Little did I know, that tiny decision would impact my future and launch me into the technology field. I became a creative and innovator.
(c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
Sharing the journey
My creative journey has not been easy, especially the early years. It was filled with lots of highs and lows and change. I have lived in three different cities since I started. The site also went through many iterations. It started as “Everybody Beautiful,” then went to “Arianna’s Random Thoughts,” and now AriannaMerritt.com and @Ariannaonthego on Instagram. That is the power of working in web and social media, you are constantly updating and improving.
In all this change, two things remained steadfast: my belief in myself and my community. I have met so many wonderful readers and collaborated with inspiring people, especially for my interview series. It warms my heart when people tell me that my posts have inspired them to press on and brightened their day.
Blogging isn’t a monologue; it is a dialogue. Connecting with readers and followers on my blog and social media is my favourite part. Blogging is all about community. Empowering others is the reason I do what I do. I have met so many incredible people who are now close friends. We support each other on our creative journeys and empower each other through the highs and lows.
Trust me, there have been lows. Early on, many didn’t believe in the power of digital, and they let me know! I got critics and doubters. I got underestimated. Being a woman in tech is tough. I got sick of having to prove my worth at times. There are stereotypes that exist and people make comments when they don’t understand what a blogger is.
At the time, the words hurt. I could have stopped. Yet, I saw the power of digital. Having a supportive community around who believe in you and your vision can pull you through times when you lack belief in yourself. I realized that others were criticizing me because they didn’t recognize the value of my computer work, yet.
Instead of focusing on these negatives, I focused on the “yet” and that got me excited. That got me through.
Learning to not listen to the critics made me develop a really strong sense of belief in myself. Confidence, resilience, and self-care are all skills I practice daily.
What I am most proud of for myself is that I didn’t let others’ negative words stop me. I believed in the power of digital to transform lives. I held this idea tight. I pressed on and found a way. Ten years later, I am using my insights and lessons to empower others.
(c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
Where I am going
I know change takes time, and you have to be open to change. I have sat in many meetings (online and offline) and boardrooms over the last ten years encouraging people and educating them to embrace digital. Sometimes, I left shaking my head in my car afterwards or venting to friend. “How do they not get that their website is an important investment? It’s the first thing people do when they hear about you or your business is search you on the web!!!”
While these experiences can be frustrating and exhausting, you have to keep going.
Embracing digital takes a change in mindset and embracing the unknown. When I was frustrated, a message from a reader in another country who was impacted by my content would keep me going. They helped me find a different way forward.
As I write this, I am more fueled than ever! I have been working in web and digital during the pandemic. People are recognizing the value of digital and it is transforming lives.
We can use our cell phones to stay connected with friends and family all over the world. We can order groceries online. We can go to counselling and doctor appointments online. Etc.
Over the last six months, in these dark times, I have heard of lots of stories of people having new goals and using technology to turn them into reality. Moving forward, I will inspire others and pass on the initial encouragement that my sisters gave me to turn my thought into action.
The world needs more innovators and creatives who will change the world for the better. I will continue to support and cheer them on. I will be the resource I wish I had when I started. I will continue to be a source of hope and light during dark times. That is my vision.
(c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
Thank you for being there along the way. This is your celebration too! Thank you for all your comments, likes, and shares on my blog and Instagram posts. I will continue to create inspirational content to empower us all.
Cheers to the next step! Your support has meant the world to me. You rock!
And do me a favour, next time someone tells you their dream, don’t mock it, whisper in their ear: Grow! Grow!