Posts tagged Bullying Prevention
Learn to Ignore "Mosquitoes"

Have you ever tried going to sleep with a mosquito (mosquitoes) in the room? This problem is quite common in the summer, especially in the wilderness. The buzzing sound of the mosquito is quite distracting and can prevent many of us from falling asleep.  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we ignored the sound of this small creature and focused on the bigger picture?!

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Sharing is Caring

During my undergraduate degree, I learned an important life lesson about caring for others. While studying for the final exam with my fellow classmates, a few of the students legitimately obtained a copy of the previous year’s final exam through a friend.  These students didn’t let anyone else have access to the previous exam, or its answers; rather, they kept it for themselves.  They thought that by not sharing this special information with other classmates, they would do better on the exam. They were focusing on their individual success, at the exclusion of their fellow classmates’.

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Raffi: Lyrics Touch Lives

During my childhood, the lyrics of Raffi Cavoukian (a.k.a Raffi, the children’s singer) influenced me a lot.  Therefore, I was delighted when I randomly encountered him recently at the Salt Spring Island Market. I took the ferry over to the beautiful Salt Spring Island with some friends to check out the Saturday Market.  Downtown Ganges (the main town) is packed with local vendors displaying their crafts.  While I was wandering around, a friend pointed out Raffi selling his books and CD’s. 

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February 27th is Pink Shirt Day in Canada!

Now, you might be asking yourself "What is Pink Shirt Day?"

The last Wednesday of February (this year is Feb. 27th) in Canada, is Anti-Bullying Day (i.e., Pink Shirt Day).  It is a day where we take a stand and address this important issue.

As I work in bullying prevention and love the colour Pink, I support this wonderful cause and am proudly wearing pink today.  People always ask me, Why bullying prevention?”  My answer is always the same: “I have seen and personally experienced the negative effects of bullying and want to stop it from hurting others’ lives.”  That is why I support this initiative.

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Persevere Even When No One Will Listen

“Never, ever, ever, give up!” You may have to adapt your course like I have, but trust me don’t quit! I have persevered through many obstacles in my life; the most recent occurred within the last year. Instead of giving up, I changed my approach.  Doing so has made all the difference to achieving my goals.

Through my research and athletic experience at graduate school, I saw a need to reduce bullying in sport. The research I had conducted focused on creating effective school-based bullying prevention programs.  However, towards the end of my studies, it became very apparent that prevention cannot only occur in formal classroom settings (as these programs were using). I believe this needed to reach beyond the classroom. After I graduated, I wanted to improve the climates of educational and athletic environments by focusing on healthy relationships.

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Dealing with Criticism: How do YOU cope?

In the past, the way I coped with insults was by seeking support and advice from others. Many people like to offer advice – I think the worst piece I ever got was when, after sharing with someone that I had been criticized, I was told in a harsh tone, “Suck it up and deal with it.”  I had been really low, as someone had said something really hurtful when I was vulnerable.  Usually I am good with bouncing back from an insult, but this time it took a little longer.  My delay in bouncing back wasn’t due to the insulting comment; it was because of how I dealt with it.

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Wisconsin Anchor Jennifer Livingston's Response to Critics

I have to share with you this moving video about Jennifer Livingston, a Wisconsin television anchor, who received an insulting email from a viewer criticizing her weight.  The reason I find this video powerful is because of how she COPED with the situation.  As you all know, my work revolves around body-image, self-esteem, and coping, so I love when I encounter role models who are sharing their stories with others.

We all encounter setbacks and critics; it is all about how you deal with them.  In Jennifer's case, instead of dwelling on the man's mean words, she PERSEVERED! 

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“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” - Lao Tzu.

Today, I am taking that step through writing out my thoughts on an issue that is sensitive and personal to me: body-image bullying. In the past, I was ashamed to discuss this subject but I soon realized that this is an important topic to share.  I have come to learn that if I don’t speak up, who will?    

Years ago, my second-year social psychology professor shared a case with our class that taught me to never rely on someone else to take action.  My professor was talking about the famous Kitty Genovese case that occurred during the early 1960’s. In a populous U.S. neighbourhood one morning, Kitty was attacked on a street and left to die over a 45-minute period. Kitty’s death was heart-breaking for its needlessness: 38 people witnessed her attack, but none did anything to help her! Kitty’s story is not the only documented case of the Bystander Effect; there are many more where people didn’t do anything to help someone in extreme need; they thought another person was taking care of it. 

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You Rock!

I have always been fascinated by rocks – to the point that my friends and I even started a “rock club” in elementary school.  To this day, I have a rock jar that consists of beautiful rocks from the various beaches I have been to; each was associated with a great memory.  Every time I look at the jar, I think of happiness and the lessons learned. Many individuals view rocks as a source of strength, but they also have deeper meaning for me.  They are symbolic of being solid as they are resistant to damage and hard to break.  You may have heard of the terms “rock solid” or “solid as a rock”. However, when the rocks are broken; true beauty is exposed. 

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Standing Firm Against The Tide

Water is an essential part of my life and a great teacher to me.

I cherish going to the beach, as it empowers me.  You may have guessed this through the theme of my blog. I look at the mighty rocks on the shore that stand firm despite the waves which persistently crash against them. The intensity of the tide will vary; and the rocks will be shaken, depending on the water’s strength.

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Why It Is Important To Speak From Your Heart

Many people today are struggling with mental health issues; I believe it is so important to start talking about this topic.

There is a new campaign put out by the Partners for Mental Health called "Not Myself Today."  The goal of the campaign is to bring awareness to mental health.  I took the pledge because as it says on the Not Myself Today site, "Mental health can no longer be ignored. We are all affected. We are all touched by it. That's why I'm pledging my support to improve mental health in Canada." 

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“Shut Up!”: The Power of Those Two Simple Words

Many words and phrases can offend me, but I find the term “shut up” the most offensive.

For example, you are talking and someone tells you to “shut up.”  They want you to stop talking and to be silent.  I find such an intrusion to be very impolite, as this person is taking away your right to speak.  And, the person is doing it in an unmannerly way.

While there are times when you may feel it is important to interrupt someone when they are talking, I think that using the term, “shut up,” to do so is extremely rude.

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