Posts tagged mentoring
Assertiveness: The Power of Expressing Your Thoughts

In past years, I have been silent about important issues because I lacked the belief that my point of view mattered or was valid. Even though I knew deep down that I was of value, I was too insecure around others to tell them my honest thoughts and opinions.

What helped me speak was the presence of a supportive community who lifted me up. I truly encourage you to find positive role models in your life as social learning is such a valuable tool for your personal growth. When you surround yourself with individuals who model healthy behaviours, you observe them and want to apply their behaviours yourself.

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Rise & Shine Interview: Yvonne Young

Today, Yvonne Young is sharing with us about perseverance.I first connected with her after I found her blog.  I had  posted about standing tall and was looking for others who had done the same. I can relate to her and am excited she has decided to participate in this series.  So glad I connected with her :) Thanks Yvonne! You should check out her blog after you read her interview.

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