Interviews3 Arianna Merritt Interviews3 Arianna Merritt

Rise & Shine Interview: Elan Morgan (aka Schmutzie)

I’m so excited that today a role model of mine and fellow Canadian blogger, Elan Morgan (aka Schmutzie), is sharing her thoughts on perseverance with us.  As I have said before in a previous post, "tome, my role models are individuals who have the courage to be real, to be vulnerable, to be themselves, and to share their journeys." Elan does this through speaking from her heart.  I was first introduced to Elan electronically when I was a juror for the Canadian Weblog Awards.  After hearing her Ted Talk, I had to ask her to be part of the "Profiles of Perseverance" series as Elan encouraged me to be more open and to dig deep by sharing my personal narrative online.  I'm so thankful for Elan's advice; she truly inspires me. Thanks, Elan, for your presence on my blogging journey!

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