Thought of the day
A deer on the start of my walk. (c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
I woke up this morning and as I was having coffee, I watched a deer and her two fawns as they were eating and playing around in our front yard. It was adorable to watch these two siblings play with each other and have so much fun. They are always around and feel like adopted pets. I continued my morning and then left in the car an hour later. As I was driving, two minutes down the road a police car was on the side of the road with his hazards on. Passing him, I saw him picking up the dead fawn, which had obviously just been hit by a car. So sad - life ends so quickly. However, watching the police officer - he treated the fawn with respect and obviously sad that a life had just been lost. I love animals and all I could think of was how the mom and sister were dealing with the loss. All of this pain because a driver was going way too fast along the road.
I find in today's society, animals are treated poorly, mainly as a food source. It got me thinking very seriously of becoming a vegetarian. I have decided I will eat meat only if its organically and locally grown. When I looked at the fawn this morning, I thought it was adorable and so full of life, I didnt even think of how good it would look on my plate.
Just my random thought of the day!
Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.
See you at the beach!