To My Sisters: Go After Your Dreams!
For as long as I can remember, I have been an older sister to two of the most strong, talented, and beautiful of women. I love them dearly. They inspire me daily to be my best self. So because my sisters and others are reading and learning from me through my blog, I wanted to share a story that serves as a good reminder that it’s not that you fall that matters, it’s that you get back up!!
Be Kind Online
An online presence is commonplace these days. The online environment can really help you thrive by connecting with others!
Since starting my blog six years ago, I have talked to many people who are fearful of showing up and being seen online. Due to this fear, they either don’t put themselves out there or if they do, they do it in a way that doesn’t showcase their strengths. It takes courage to put yourself out there and be seen on a global stage; one bad occurrence may stop you completely. I can relate.
Why Being an Entrepreneur is Much Like Paddling
“You’ve been dealt a lot of waves on your path,” a friend commented recently while talking with me about my first years as an entrepreneur. Without hesitation I replied, “Good thing I’m an amazing paddler!”
Interview with Amanda Abella - Millennial Business Coach
Money. This is a word that keeps coming up as a source of stress in many of the conversations I have been having so I thought we should talk about it. How does this word "money" make you feel?
To join the dialogue, I invited Amanda Abella, an expert on this topic, to speak to us all about helping us all become our best selves by improving our relationships with money.
Amanda Abella is an online business coach, speaker, and author of the Amazon bestselling book, Make Money Your Honey: A Spirited Entrepreneur’s Guide to Having a Love Affair with Work and Money. She is committed to helping millennials (and anyone who wants to join us) have a better relationship with work and money by means of entrepreneurship, online marketing, and an abundance mindset. Thanks, Amanda, for joining us today at The Self-Discovery Retreat.