Sports Arianna Merritt Sports Arianna Merritt

The Value of a Crew

Who are the people who show up continually in your life to push you forward? In other words, who are your crew?

Whenever I think of a supportive community, rowing references seem to come to mind. Perhaps there are reasons for rowing often being referred to as ‘crew’.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Ask For What You Want

Happy September!

Hope you all had a wonderful summer. September has always seemed like the start of a new year! With these new beginnings – whether they be school, job, city, activity, or friendship we should start afresh with our attitudes! We should open our hearts to new ideas; we should make goals; and we should ASK for what we want. You never know what amazing things will happen when you take action!

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Interviews2 Arianna Merritt Interviews2 Arianna Merritt

Singer/Songwriter Robyn Dell'Unto's Self-Discovery Lessons on How to Succeed in Music

I’m excited that today, singer/songwriter Robyn Dell’Unto, is “Speaking From the Heart”, and sharing her experiences with all of us. Not only does Robyn sing and write songs, she also teaches young people to do the same. Founded by Robyn Dell'Unto in September 2011, ‘A Song Of My Own’ is a unique and interactive songwriting workshop designed to support children and youth in their exploration of music and song. Over 200 original songshave been written and recorded during A Song Of My Own workshops since the program’s inception. After hearing about the work that Robyn does, I had to invite her to take part in this series. Thank you, Robyn, for the beautiful work you are doing!

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Happy 4th Blogiversary Arianna's Random Thoughts!

Throughout my blogging journey, many have asked me: how have I created this online space of emergence? The truth is, this space grew through hard work, perseverance, a belief in myself, and a supportive community. To honour this journey to where the blog is today, I thought I would reflect on the process and then share where I’m headed.

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Featured 2, Most requested Arianna Merritt Featured 2, Most requested Arianna Merritt

Narrative of a Recent Graduate

Thinking about the waves in life, I decided to go sit outside and start writing and let the words flow out. What flowed onto the words of my journal was a powerful collective narrative inspired by the stories and experiences of recent graduates. This post is different than my usual ones, but I felt called to share it as some of you reading might feel comfort in the story’s message. I also think it will start a beautiful dialogue about how we can help each other find our way.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Rock Your Curls

What is one word that would describe summer for you?

For me, I think of SHINE! Perhaps it is because of the warm sunshine, or that every living thing seems so alive and free.

One of those things that I keep free and flowing during the summer is my hair. You see, those who have naturally curly or wavy hair will totally understand; no matter how hard you try to straighten your hair, heat or moisture cause it to go back to its flowing state. Therefore, in the summer, I spend less time straightening my hair, as there really is no point with the humidity and my love of being in the water.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Don't Sit All Day, Rise Up & Stand Tall!

Do you have to sit for long periods of time? How does your body like it?

Today, I’m writing this post standing up – with my laptop on the counter, as opposed to sitting down.

I hurt my back this week from sitting at the computer for too long. I got up after working at my desk for several hours, which can be typical given the nature of my work; that day, my body gave me a not-so-pleasant reminder that it doesn’t like to be sedentary.

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Interviews2 Arianna Merritt Interviews2 Arianna Merritt

Jodi Chapman's Self-Discovery Lessons on the Importance of Connecting with your Soul

Ever wondered how you can get in touch with your soul, connect with like-minded people, and support one another on your journeys? I’m excited that today my friend, Jodi Chapman, is “Speaking From the Heart” and soul, and sharing her experiences with all of us.

Jodi Chapman is the author of the award-winning blog, Soul Speak, the creator of the Soulful Life Sanctuary, and the co-author of the bestselling Soulful Journals series, which she wrote with her husband, Dan Teck.  Thank you Jodi for speaking from your heart and soul! Keep up the beautiful work you are doing! Read Jodi's interview below and find out about joining the sanctuary at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Summer Self-Care Tips

Happy Start to Summer! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend celebrating its arrival.

When I think back to my summers as a child, the term ‘care-free’ comes to mind. Being out of school, you can sleep in, go to camp, and pursue more activities you enjoy outside the classroom. How do you have fun in the summertime?

Summer has always been one of my favourite times of year, as it makes people get outside more and enjoy the sun and warmth. Especially in Canada, summer is the season for refueling after a LONG winter.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Tribute to Our "Fallen Heroes"

A few weeks ago, a senseless act of violence caused three RCMP officers to be gunned down in Moncton, New Brunswick. Canadians across the country and around the world reached out to pay tribute to our “fallen heroes.”

Many turned to social media to show support. One message that really stood out to me was a music video with the same name, “Fallen Hero,” by Makayla Lynn. Makayla is a teenage musician who decided to express her thankfulness to the officers and their families through lyrics.

As you may know, songs that tell stories really speak to my heart. Music creates such a powerful connection between strangers – in this case, the song is uniting a nation. When I listen to Makayla’s song, I really think about the sacrifice these three RCMP officers and their families gave for protecting Canada.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Lessons Learned From Attending A Conference Alone

Have you ever gone to an event where you didn’t know anyone? Did you think of backing out because you didn’t have someone to go with you?

Leading up to and following my recent conference, these were the initial questions people asked me when they realized I was attending solo.

Each asked: “So, do/did you know anyone at the conference in Vancouver?” My answer was: “No.”

My friends remarked that I was courageous to go somewhere unfamiliar and try something new all by myself. Years ago, I would have shied away from events if I had no one to go with me. I feared what people would think if I came alone.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

Grateful For Therapeutic Conversations

Last night, I returned home from spending five days at a narrative therapy conference in the beautiful city of Vancouver.

Called Therapeutic Conversations, the conference was empowering. The souvenirs from my travels were a full heart, a journal filled with notes, and a camera of precious memories!

The word that summarizes my experience is: gratitude. Some conference goers (myself included) took part in an exercise on the first day about connecting with and appreciating our bodies. During this time, the facilitator asked us to focus our thoughts on our knees, and to thank them.

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