Finding Joy in Everyday Life
When you think you don’t have anything super exciting to announce or to say, do you stop talking or hide your thoughts?
A friend asked me recently why I wasn’t posting more regularly. While I had been posting, I think what she really meant to ask was: why wasn’t I sharing more of my journey on the blog?
After she brought this up, I found a chance to head to the water and reflect. As you may know, water is my source of inspiration. When I’m looking for guidance, I seek it out.
Enjoying the view on the sandbar.
During my time of reflection, I saw a rower; this got me thinking about my athletic experience. I’m a paddler – always have been, always will be. I have navigated the waters in various places in the world. There are three parts of the journey: the start, the paddle, and the end.
If I only talk about the beginning and the end of the journey - where I started and where I ended up – I miss the most fascinating part – the paddle. Without it, you would have no idea what I saw along the way! I took this idea and applied it to blogging.
Ideas come to me all the time, and I document them in a private journal. Writing is a very personal activity for me, in addition to a public one. To create the balance, I savour my writing journey through sharing parts of it on my blog. I share ideas once I feel they are ‘complete’ and written so others can understand.
Life events are varied; every event has value, has meaning. I like figuring out the true essence of life’s events. Until I have done so, I won’t post about them.
But through my friend’s question, coupled with my reflection, I learned that I have been holding back valuable insights about my journey. I have not been sharing enough about my route.
How to become a better blogger. You will be taught the tips to soar above the clouds. (c) Arianna's Random Thoughts
My call to action for myself is to be more open on the blog. This means that I need to write more from my heart while en route in the hope that my thoughts will resonate with you. Even though my thoughts are presented on the blog - a public forum - to help guide you, I am also a student learning from life’s experiences myself.
My thoughts by themselves are important. These ideas are valuable, even if I don’t understand their meaning at the time. All I can do is live in the present and share what is on my heart.
Instead of only capturing the big events of the journey (i.e., when I achieve a milestone), I am going to journal and document the process. There is value and lots of lessons to be learned in the creative process. That is my favourite part of the journey – the paddle.
Joy is in the small things. It’s in those times before the destination that one’s best thoughts can form. I’m going to share with you on a more personal level, about the journey not just the destination.
What an exciting lesson to share! Thanks, friend, for the reminder and for guiding my course!
Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.
See you at the beach!
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