Dorie Clark's Thoughts on Standing Out as a Blogger
Since my blog is about empowering busy high-achieving professionals to develop the courage to “rise to their platform & shine” and turn their ideas into reality, I had to invite others to share their journeys. After watching Dorie Clark’s TED Talk “Finding Your Breakthrough Idea,” I knew just the person to ask to help me answer: “How do you build a blog following?” I’m so grateful she said “Yes!” You’ll see why after watching her talk.
Podcaster Anne-Sophie Reinhardt's Self-Discovery Lessons on Branding & Identity
Do you wonder how to express your ideas online? Or, do you lack the courage/direction to be seen?
These are common questions I get asked daily; they’ve inspired me to start a new series, “Rise to your platform & Shine,” to help busy high-achieving professionals develop the courage to turn their ideas into reality. Just to be clear, I refer to “platform” as any stage where you showcase your unique talents.
The Lonely Traveller
What do you do when you are feeling ‘isolated’ or ‘lonely’?
Those words have been surfacing in my conversations over the past couple of months. Many people I have encountered recently in my daily life and throughout my travels have said they seem ‘lonely’ or ‘isolated’ - they feel disconnected from others.
On vacation in Hawaii – a spectacular natural ‘paradise’ – fellow tourists brought up the term. They said they felt ‘isolated’ because they were SO FAR AWAY from family and friends.
Living Aloha!
I disconnected from technology for a week and spent my days moving through: swimming in the pool, snorkelling in the ocean, walking on the many island beaches, and wandering around the towns and attractions. Saw turtles playing in the waves. Connected and had beautiful conversations with locals and tourists from all over the world. Rode the ocean currents on a catamaran, watching humpback whales enjoy the waters – especially a baby frolicking with its family. The sunrises and sunsets lit the sky. There were also some rain showers; but what I learned is that no rain = no rainbows.
Make the Process Enjoyable!
Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend with your family and friends.What made your time enjoyable?
Perhaps you were like me - my favourite parts were in the preparation and eating of dinners where friends & family gathered for food and, most importantly, amazingly heartfelt conversations. Quality time with those you care about is an important love language. Taking the time to put away the distractions and really be present with others is really nourishing for our minds, bodies, and souls. Here is some food for thought to pass along to all of you: how do we incorporate this precious time into our daily routines?!
Entrepreneur & Producer of Dream, Girl Komal Minhas shares how Meditation empowers her daily
I’m excited that, today, Komal Minhas is sharing how incorporating a meditation practice into her daily routine has transformed her life! Komal is an Indo-Canadian film producer, writer, and investor who started her first company, KoMedia, at 23. Random fact – after checking out Komal’s website, I realized we are both graduates of Carleton University in Ottawa. Komal has been deeply invested in improving the lives of women and girls globally. She champions this work through her continued investments and work in film and storytelling.
Author of Mindful Leadership Maria Gonzalez shares how Mindfulness Transforms Lives
After reading Maria’s biography which highlighted her extensive background in the field of mindfulness, I reached out to Maria and invited her to explain the Record Worthy Practice with all of us. Maria and I both have connections to the University of Toronto, where I did my Master’s in Human Development & Applied Psychology and where she teaches Mindful Leadership (Random?!). Maria is a wonderful leader to teach us all about mindfulness; she has both a deep knowledge of the topic, as well as the practical tools on how to apply it in our daily lives – perfect combination!
Rise To Your Platform & Shine!
Did you ever experience a time when it seemed like a certain word or theme kept repeating in almost every conversation you had? Or, like that word was trying to get your attention – to reach out to you?
Sometimes, I find the world is so busy, so loud, that I need my quiet time. There is that word again. Quiet. A few nights ago, I was talking to a friend on the phone when they mentioned the word, quiet; immediately, something was inspired in me to start writing.
We had talked about communicating: How good friends don’t always need to talk; they can just sit and be quiet, yet feel totally content and comfortable. How with good friends, being quiet can be an important part of knowing ourselves and knowing others.
Body Project 4 High Schools Christina Verzijl on Creating a Healthy Relationship with the Mirror
I saw myself in what Christina wrote, as I was once in her shoes, with a B.Sc. in Psychology and a dream I wanted to implement. After graduation from my university programs, I sent out emails just like Christina’s to connect with people and organizations. Since we could all use a vote of confidence in our lives, I invited Christina to share her Record Worthy Practice with all of us.
Email Marketing Strategist Rita Barry's Self-Discovery Lessons on Taking Care of Yourself
While working with Rita on the technical aspects of my blog, I realized that what truly matters is the human connection between you (the blogger) and the members of community you are building. Therefore, I wanted to shine light on an empowering mother, wife, and entrepreneur who has helped me turn my vision into reality – Rita Barry.
Create Your Own Community
Visualization can really help, especially in how you frame your question. I remember asking myself: “How can I build my blog?” Well since I was new, I remember thinking that I didn’t know much about blogging; however, I did have lots of experience in building relationships and supportive communities. Once I reframed the question in my mind, from “how can I build a blog?” to “how can I build a supportive community?”, things changed and growth occurred.
Therefore, switch your focus to creating healthy relationships, visualize your successful blog ... then take action.
Lindo Bacon, PhD's Self-Discovery Lesson on the Power of Authentic Friends
After reading Body Respect, which is a balance of research and practical strategies about the positive connection between physical and emotional health, I had to reach out and invite Linda to share her Record Worthy Practice with all of us. Linda Bacon, PhD, is an internationally-recognized authority on topics related to nutrition, weight, and health. I interviewed her on the blog in 2012 as part of my Profiles of Perseverance series and am grateful for her contribution to that series.