New Blog!!!
Aloha everyone!
I just got back from a two week family vacation in the beautiful state of Hawaii. While relaxing on the beach, I looked around and everyone I saw was smiling, having fun, enjoying the surroundings and at peace. It's a special place. I saw women and men from all over the world of many shapes and sizes.
(c) Arianna Merritt // @ariannaonthego
The one thing I realized while at the beach was that everybody was beautiful. They all had the positive energy and were having fun. There was no focus on physical appearance. In people's eyes every body was beautiful. Everyone was enjoying the environment and the community.
While there I decided to start this blog called Arianna's Random Thoughts to help inspire people to become healthier, more confident and happier. The blog will also reflect personal stories from my life which have helped influence me to feel the way I do today.
Over the last couple years, I have learned some very important lessons in my life. Instead of keeping them inside and sharing with close friends - I decided to start a blog and share ideas, stories and pictures with people. I love writing and talking with people so I thought why not start a blog.
Bare with me as I start this thing and feel free to comment at any time. Participation and comments are welcomed.
Lately I have been having some very deep discussions with people so I thought I would share them with you guys and get more insight.
Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.
See you at the beach!